Castle Pinckney Almost Cleared, Thanks to Guardians

Guided, Walk-Through Tour of Historic Fort

Three Historical Visualizations of Castle Pinckney

Holding CHARLESTON by the Bridle (2024)
- “The Civil War Transformation of Castle Pinckney” (Fall 2024)
- Oct. 2, 2024: Editorial in The Post & Courier Commends Stewards of Castle Pinckney
- Castle Pinckney: Silent Sentinel in Charleston Harbor
- History of Castle Pinckney (Three Articles)
Mission Statement: Castle Pinckney, located in the middle of Charleston Harbor, is one of the oldest fortifications of its kind still extant. Constructed in 1810, it was built to provide defense of the coast of a new and great country. The Castle Pinckney Historical Preservation Society is dedicated to the general preservation of the fort, and to the feasible and appropriate restoration of some of its lost features. The purpose of this heritage preservation effort is to reestablish the historical significance of this resource. This effort will allow citizens and visitors to better understand the role the site and Charleston harbor played in the development of the City of Charleston and in the greater sweep of American history at large.