Tommy Salter and Richard Moore used their boats to transport a group of fellow Castle Guardians across Charleston Harbor at 8:30 Saturday morning so they could work at Castle Pinckney on Shute’s Folly.
“Our objective was to continue clearing debris and soil from the footprint area of the warehouse, once located at the site in 1900, that has accumulated there over the years,” said Castle Guardian Matthew Locke, who led the group.
The Castle Guardians — volunteers all — used shovels, picks, rakes, buckets and a wheelbarrow to tackle the job.
“We worked until about 1 p.m. clearing several inches of material from about 40 percent of what was once the floor of the structure,” Locke said. “But we only had a limited time to work at the site. So, we’ll have to clear the remaining area the next time we visit — perhaps around mid-March.
“We planned to work at the site last month, but deemed it unsafe due to snow, the cold and overall harbor conditions,” he added. “Safety is paramount anytime we work at Castle Pinckney.”
9 a.m. Saturday, before work begins …

Several inches of debris and soil cover the area where the warehouse once stood in 1900. Late last year, Castle Guardians removed thick overgrowth from the area.
9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Castle Guardians at work …

Castle Guardians used shovels, picks, rakes, buckets and a wheelbarrow to clear several inches of debris and soil from about 40 percent of the area where the warehouse once stood. Before leaving the site, they lowered the Gadsden Flag and replaced it with the South Carolina Flag.
1 p.m., after work was completed …

“Shout Outs” from Castle Pinckney!
“Hello from Castle Pinckney!”
“Hello from Castle Pinckney!”